Over the last decade, TessaTheresa has been landing back the sacred on this Earth, one heart at a time. Tessa works in collaboration with Nature to facilitate and inspire fellow humans to love them-Selves all the way back down to Earth through our ‘First earth'- Our bodies in this timeline. “So many are looking to ascend.. But they are missing the crucial link - You gotta learn to land, before you take off”
A devoted daughter of the land and a water protector, Tessa began her career in creative arts and later artivism for reciprocal appreciation and protection of Nature. It was here that she discovered the power of observation, emotional offerings and expression with and of Nature for self discovery, healing and to accessing one’s own divinity. Enriched with study, practice and discovery within ancient teachings and a willing soul agreement, she brings forth her own medicine for experiential transformation to Return to our Power by Remembering to Mother Earth through our hearts.
“I am free to create and inspire others to be their best selves. I dream of the time where simply walking the land awakens the walker and land to meet each other in divine harmony. I do this in partnership with Nature herself, as I myself return my heart to her.” TessaTheresa creates remembrance journeys through Nurtured by Nature retreats on the Coral Coast of the Fiji Islands which include healing exchanges in and with Nature in extraordinary power places assisting fellow humans align to their own true nature.